All posts by malikaci

Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi teachings in Wageningen

New! This winter we bring a series of gatherings to Wageningen:

“Universal Wisdom & Joy, Strength & Beauty”

An invitation to dance, sing, listen, discover, connect, live, love, heal, honor, breathe and celebrate!

Facilitated by Malika Cieremans, with guest leaders and musicians

Each month, an evening to come together…

  • Shabda w dance circle cropin an atmophere of flowing life energy, new strength, hope, calm, balance, healing, forgiveness, and connection;
  • in the circle, in the Dance, in the silence, in rhythm, in breath, in sound, in color;
  • in a safe and sacred space, where everything is allowed to be, just the way it is;



  • time to connect with your body, heart and soul;
  • space to meet oneself, and the other, from the essence;
  • A moment of quietude and reflection;
  • Contact with the source of wisdom within, the anchor place with questions and issues in our personal lives, and the world we live in;
  • the universal language of the heart, which speaks without words.

Each evening is a journey: A journey within, and a journey through the world, with practises and inspiration from traditions of Wisdom from all times and continents.

MOL Renkum juni 2015

We work with the Dances of Universal Peace, chants, music, meditations, breath and movement practices, (short) inspirational quotes, and we connect with nature.

Practical info

In the autumn and winter season, we offer a series of five monthly meetings. They form a continuation for those seeking deepening, while it is also possible to join each evening individually, for those wishing to get a new experience.

20170916_155220This series is the continuation of the full-day seminar with Sufi teacher Pir Shabda Kahn, organised by Malika in Wageningen in September 2017, and many years of individual gatherings and experiences in The Netherlands and abroad.


For whom?

“Come, come, whoever you are! This caravan knows no despair…”  – Rumi

  • The meetings are open to everyone, known and unknown – of all ages, backgrounds, beliefs, talents or experience levels.
  • You can always participate in your own way, on your own level. You can join in as a “newcomer” any moment, as the practises will be introduced and guided, and you can continue to deepen your experience further through regular attendance.
  • We also welcome musicians and (aspiring) dance leaders. Interested? Please contact Malika beforehand, by email or phone.


  • Each third Thursday from November to February, plus second Thursday in March;
  • Dates: November 16, December 21; January 18 (2018), February 15, March 8;
  • Times: Welcome from 7PM, start 7.30PM (door may be closed), finish around 10PM.


  • The Zintre space, in the ClockHouse, Generaal Foulkesweg 37, 6703 BL Wageningen. Entrance to the (free) parking via Arboretumlaan.
  • Cross the parking to the old building (in the back), in the hall, go up the stairs on the right to the 2nd floor (1e verdieping in Dutch). In the hall, the 2nd door on the left is room 1029: ZINTRE.


  • Regular                                                                 €15 p.p. per evening
  • Reduction for students and low incomes:       €9 per evening
  • Are you coming for the first time?                free donation
  • Do you come regularly? Take a season ticket: 5x for €60 – 20% discount!
    • This stays valid also for a possible future series


  • To announce your presence, please send an email to
  • Please let me know by the weekend in advance if you are planning to come, so I know what to prepare;
  • Payments and donations can be done on the evening itself.


About the event facilitation

Malika Boston skylineMalika Cieremans has been conneced with the path of Universal Sufism since 2001, since 2004 she is a certified Leader for the Dances and Walks of Universal Peace, and since 2013 she has served as mentor in training.

Guest teachers and musicians are other teachers and students in the Sufi Ruhaniat and/or the Network of the Dances of Universal Peace. More about them live during the meetings!

Questions and information

Want to know more? Please visit the website of the Dances of Universal PeaceRuhaniat Int’lziraat (nature spirituality) and healing (DHO) to get an impression of a number of sources of inspiration.

Do you feel a “yes!” when you read this, or a “well, maybe? I’m curious to know more…?” Then I’d love to hear from you! Via email: or phone: +31(0)6-19159096.

Dansen en Soefi-mystiek op tv

Afgelopen maand was het programma “Iedereen verlicht” op bezoek bij collega-dansleidster en senior Soefi-leraar ZubinNur Westrik in Arnhem. Naast een interview, zijn opnames gemaakt van een middag-bijeenkomst met de Dansen van Universele Vrede en het Universeel Soefisme.

Kijk hier de uitzending terug, vanaf minuut 17.

Spreekt je dit aan?

Kijk eens op de website van ZubinNur:

Of: kom meedoen met de serie bijeenkomsten in Wageningen dit najaar-winter-seizoen, op 5 donderdagavonden, met Malika als host, en diverse gastdocenten en muzikanten.








Dansen van Universele Vrede in Wageningen van start

Beste mensen,

Op donderdag 16 november is het zover: Er gaat een serie maandelijkse bijeenkomsten van start in Wageningen:

“Universal Wisdom & Joy, Strength & Beauty”

Een uitnodiging om te dansen, zingen, luisteren, ontdekken, verbinden, leven, liefhebben, helen, eren, ademen, en vieren!

Op deze pagina lees je er alles over.

Misschien tot dans?

Hartelijke groet,

Exploring spiritual liberty in daily life


Have you joined the new world religion yet? Become a relax-a-tarian too! Not to be confused with lawnchair-ism. 🙂 Let’s call it ease-a-tarianism instead: to meet every circumstance in life with ease and acceptance.

“This is how it is right now.”

On Saturday (Sept. 16th, 2017) over forty people gathered in Wageningen (NL) for an all-day event: “The River of Guidance – spiritual liberty in daily life” with Pir Shabda Kahn, spiritual director of the Sufi Ruhaniat International (SRI), organised by Malika for SRI NL.

The morning and afternoon started out with a session of the Dances of Universal Peace, followed by a sharing of teachings from the universal source of mysticism, as practised in the forms of Sufi, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu and other traditions. In the evening, we sang and moved in attunement to the One, chanting zikrs and Dancing with phrases invoking beneficial qualities such as mercy and compassion, strength and steadiness.

‘Says one baby in the womb to the other:
“Mother? Do you believe in Móther? If she exists, then where is she now?”‘
– from the story: “LIFE AFTER delivery

altarBoth the Dance sessions and the teachings were a meandering stream, flowing from lively, joyful and spirited melodies, uplifting and humorous stories, to the stillness and depth of zikr phrases and contemplations on the nature of life, on the Sufi notion of dying before death, on the universal purpose of all life, and on the paradox between everything and everyone being an undivided portion of the One, ultimate Being, which is unchanged and incorruptable, while on the other hand, in normal life, we experience ourselves as separated, isolated beings, who percieve differences and distinctions between self and other. What happens to our breath, our mood, our health and our strength when we are in different states, from angry, jealous, judgemental or discouraged, to kind and compassionate, patient or grateful?

Our deepest motivation in life is the wish to be happy.  
Every action ever taken by anyone, however skillful or unskillful, ultimately is driven by this yearning; from the deepest expression of love, to war and hatred.


How to navigate the paradoxality and adversity we meet in our everyday lives? Pir Shabda suggests a nine-point-plan. Starting out with strength and courage, we add kindness and compassion, then tolerance, forgiveness and patience, gratitude, and finally: to be in tune with the Inifinite.

In his own life, Pir Shabda is involved in many initiatives that further the message of Peace and Harmony in the world. He told us about two current projects:

Peace Pledge

  • the Peace Pledge Project, a pledge that was launched for everyone to join, who commits their lives to loving kindness and compassion. You too can join hands and hearts with religious leaders from a variety of faiths and continents in this auspicious project: read more;
  • Dargah roof windowthe Dargah (shrine) for Murshid Samuel L. Lewis, in New Mexico, USA. Murshid SAM was Pir Shabda’s teacher. After ten years of visioning and preparing the way, the completion of the construction of the Dargah was celebrated just weeks ago. Read more and see photos and videos…



Peace Pledge Pilgrimage in The Netherlands

20170914_094031From Sept 12-14, the second pilgrimage of the Peace Pledge Project took place in Katwijk and The Hague (NL), a gathering of spiritual and religious leaders from many faiths and backgrounds. This article is a personal reflection on the gathering by Malika, one of the participants.

Peace Pledge

The first morning was dedicated to reflections on the Peace Pledge, in line with the theme for this gathering: “the fountain of the virtues of the heart”. It was touching, impressive, and hope-inspiring to witness one leader after another stand up and present their passionate, heartful message. All of them speaking about the same universal values of loving kindness and compassion, reconciliation and forgiveness, hope, and the ultimate oneness of us all as one human family, be they from a Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Christian, Muslim, or shamanic and indigenous background.

In the afternoon, focus group dialogues were held around three themes. On the second day, Wednesday 13, we started out with more personal presentations from the various leaders present. Following, the pilgrimage group gathered at the Peace Palace (Vredespaleis) for a public event, presenting the topics of Peace, water and education to political and business leaders, and a wider audience.


On the third and last day, the next steps were discussed: where to go next, both literally, as a next pilgrimage station, as well as intentionally: how do we stay connected amongst ourselves, and through which channels will we reach out to spread this message in the world, so that the pledge will be known, supported and “owned” by many, many more likehearted people around the globe?

Theme 1: water

The first session started with a blessing prayer for the water, reminding us all of both the preciousness and the scarcity of fresh water on the planet nowadays, and its uneven distribution. In the following discussion, as well as the meeting at the Peace Palace, the main topic was the collaboration between VEI (Vitens Evides International) and the groundbreaking activities of GIWA (Global Interfaith WASH Alliance), an Indian initiative to raise awareness on sanitation and clean drinking water through religious leaders from all faiths. For the future, connections with Africa and other countries and continents are foreseen as well.

Theme 2: education

In these sessions, various contributors shared their experiences with innovative education projects for Peace and cultivating values, in India, Pakistan, the USA, and others. More about the speakers and their projects can be found in the program for the public symposium.

Theme 3: spreading the Peace Pledge

The Peace Pledge is a call to humanity to join in this endeavour. The group who gathered here is just the beginning. From the Universal Sufi Council, who took the initiative, it is now time to make the Peace Pledge a message for everyone. From this circle, the Pledge will reach out to the UN, to the Parliament of World Religions, to the Vatican, and to many other organisations, networks and individuals, united in their commitment to the same goal of living loving-kindness and compassion.

Read more about the Peace Pledge and the background of the project and pilgrimage in this blog. Or visit the Peace Pledge Project website.

You too can join the pledge! Sign the petition, or register on FB.


January – February:

Participate in community-building events, non-violent communication, way of council, mindfulness

Share Dances of Universal Peace & songs as community-building tools

Participate in sociocracy & movement training (via het ecodorpenleerprogramma)

Join a Sufi retreat with Pir Shabda Kahn and Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz, Scotland


Mantra song & voice improvisation group

Dances of Universal Peace gatherings

Annual Ruhaniat Europe Summer School, Germany (translator’s team)

Federation of the Sufi Message

Here’s a next chapter in the series of catching up with highlights of 2014:

Early May, I attended the

2014 Gathering of the Federation of the Sufi Message
in Katwijk, the Netherlands:

An annual meeting of international leaders, teachers and inspired seekers who follow in the footsteps of the Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan.

Sufi Temple Katwijk Federation 2014 Malika Jelaluddin Rafia





The gathering was initiated in 1997, with the aim to promote harmony, friendship and sharing the treasures of the Teachings between the various branches in the lineage tree of the Sufi Message.

During a rich program of four days, we shared silent and walking meditations, singing practices, Dances of Universal Peace, zikr, music, poetry and theater play, along with exercises in small groups, sharing insights and questions around spiritual Guidance.


Global Campus Educational Gatherings Oct-Nov 2013: Creating Models for a Future Without War

The Global Campus is an international and experiential education platform, a network of peace projects and communities engaged in creating regional models of peaceful and regenerative culture.

For one month from October 15th to November 15th, small groups of international ‘peace-workers-in-training’ will travel to the different centers, to support the next level of growth.

More about the Global Campus initiative, the 2013 events, and ways to support:

Continue reading Global Campus Educational Gatherings Oct-Nov 2013: Creating Models for a Future Without War

‘Connettersi alla Madre Terra’

Seminario intensivo, 4-6 Ottobre, 2013. Toscana, Italia

Weekend retreat Oct 4-6, Italy
Connecting with Mother Earth

English version here

“Quando ci riconnettiamo alla Madre Terra, la nostra energia cambia. Diventiamo più radicati e maggiormente connessi alla vita. Durante questo weekend insieme utilizzeremo danze, camminate, meditazioni visualizzazioni e la respirazione com estrumenti di riconnessione alle nostre radici, al nostro cuore, alla nostra intuizione, agli elementi di Natura vivi in noi, e al potere della pace interiore e del movimento.”